Manufacturer Comma
Part number AQCVT1L
Volume, l 1
Oil type Transmission oil
Weight, g 1030
Type of the container Plastic canister
OEM specifications DEX-CVT;Ford M2C 928-A;MB 236.20;Nissan NS-1;Nissan NS-2;VW G 052 180;VW G 052 190;VW G 052 516;VW G 055 190
Composition Synthetic
Place of usage CVT
It can be used in many belt and chain CVT and in some hybrid systems of CVT HONDA. This high-quality CVT fluid can be used in more than 230 car models. The highest friction characteristics improve the operation efficiency and increase the service life of the belt/pulley system used in the CVT. It ensures the reliable protection of the drive from wear and abrasion, increasing the CVT service life. It CANNOT be used in Nissan, Toyota and Ford systems! Specifications: DEX-CVT; Ford M2C 928-A; GM 1940713 + 1940714; MB 236.20; Nissan NS-1 CVT fluid; Nissan NS-2 CVT fluid ; VW G 052 180; VW G 052 190; VW G 052 516; VW G 055 190.
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