Brake Fluid Sport Extreme 5 Tutela 1599-1716

Manufacturer Tutela
Part number 1599-1716
Volume, l 0.5
Packaging length, mm 170
Packaging thickness, mm 55
Packaging width, mm 90
Weight, g 500
Type of the container Plastic canister
FMVSS 116 specifications DOT 4
Specifications SAE J1703|J1704
OEM specifications CUNA NC 956-01|Fiat 9.55597
Composition Synthetic
High-quality synthetic brake fluid for hydraulic brake systems and auxiliary systems of cars. A high boiling temperature (+ 300°C) prevents vapour lock (steam bubbles in the brake system). The low freezing point allows you to use the product at low temperatures. Excellent anti-corrosive and anti-oxidative properties guarantee additional protection of metal and other elements of the brake system. Full compatibility with rubber and plastic materials prevents swell and looseness of brake hoses and sealing glands. High chemical stability makes the brake fluid indispensable in severe conditions of the thermal shock. TUTELA EXTREME 5 fluid significantly exceeds the stringent quality requirements set by the biggest European manufacturers, that’s why it can be used in all vehicles of any car make, type and power. Approvals and specifications: FMVSS 116 - DOT4, SAE J1703, SAE J1704, ISO 4925, CUNA NC 956-01, FIAT 9.55597
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